Proverbial Monkeys is the media empire of renowned tv personality Samuel Collins. Beloved by insomniacs and grandmothers across Lake County and beyond, Samuel anchored the late-late-late-late-late-early-early show on K-RAP until an unlocked iphone and an FCC ruling gave him the courage to make the leap into the howling internet hurricane of rumors, lies, career-ending dick pics and lethal health advice. Thanks to the FCC plea-bargain Samuel can now be seen on youtube if you search hard enough, for no more than a statutory seven-and-a-half minutes at a time.
- Hey! I think you’re a massive asshole! Is there some web form type thingy where I can tell you I think you’re a massive asshole?
- Do other people think you’re a massive asshole?
- The legal shit:
I own this. Me me me me ME! This is all mine. Copyright © 2021 Samuel Collins. Including the logo which is pending trademark pending my merch-fucking-empire. And the opinions. They’re mine too. Unless you want to sue me in which case, who, me?
- Cookie Notice
I don’t know what these do. Do you? I’m not selling them. You can Manage Consent here.
- Privacy Policy
Honestly you’ll be lucky if I even check my page views. But knock yourselves out.